

Junipa Documentation

Junipa is a cloud-based NCCD platform with a lot of extras. Use our Tutorials below, or get behind the scenes with Junipa Administration documentation.


Searching for a student

JUNIPA keeps your information available to you, securely, at all times. Finding a student quickly is important.

Steps taken

  1. From your Overview page, navigate to the search bar
  2. Enter a first or last name of a student and select search
  3. Select the student to view the Student Journal

Add adjustment evidence as a Teacher

Junipa leverages your school timetable to display what students you are interacting with today.

Steps taken

  1. Identify the student requiring adjustments,
  2. Select the Add student icon
  3. Select the NCCD evidence category and evidence type specific to your adjustment
  4. Select save

Add adjustment evidence as a Case Manager

Junipa leverages your case load, displaying a list of those students you frequently interact with.

Steps taken

  1. Identify the student requiring adjustments,
  2. Select the student
  3. Select the Add student icon
  4. Select add adjustment evidence
  5. Select the NCCD evidence category and evidence type specific to your adjustment
  6. Select save

Attach files (photos, videos, documents) as part of adjustment evidence

Junipa lets you upload evidence straight onto a student's record as part of the Adding NCCD adjustment workflow.

Steps taken

  1. Identify the student requiring adjustments,
  2. Select the student
  3. Select the Add student icon
  4. Select add adjustment evidence
  5. Select the NCCD evidence category and evidence type specific to your adjustment
  6. Select Evidence upload button and use your devices camera/file manager to upload an attachment
  7. Select save

Assign an adjustment level to a student

The following instructions are only available to someone with a Administration privileges.

For a student to be eligible for an adjustment level they must be enrolled through Junipa. Assigning an adjustment level is the final step of enrolling a student within a calendar year.


Steps taken

  1. Navigate to the student screen
  2. Select the tab All Students
  3. Identify the student ready for enrolment and select Enrolments
  4. Complete the Enrolments form, making sure to provide an adjustment level
  5. Select Save Enrolment

Change a student's adjustment level

The following instructions are only available to someone with a Administration privileges.

For a student to be eligible for an adjustment level they must be enrolled through Junipa. Assigning an adjustment level is the final step of enrolling a student within a calendar year.

Steps taken

  1. Navigate to the student screen
  2. Identify the student requiring an adjustment level change and select Enrolments
  3. Edit the Adjustment level
  4. Select Save Enrolment

Record and reviewing significant events

Recording and reviewing significant events for students with trauma-based disabilities can assist with better management and adjustments for each student. - events - students

What are significant events?

A significant event is something extraordinary that has impacted a student.

Significant events are recorded in Junipa and are then displayed on a student’s narrative providing more context to staff. A recurring historical event can remind staff, ahead of time, of the event so staff can plan accordingly.


Junipa provides the following significant event grades:

The process of grading a severity level to each event rests with the school.

Record a significant event


Steps taken

  1. Identify the student requiring a significant event registered
  2. Select the add icon
  3. Select the specific event category
  4. Complete the significant event form
  5. Select Save

Record an historical or origin significant event

The following instructions are only available to someone with a Administration privileges.

An historical event is something that has occurred in the past that still impacts the student. Remembering the anniversaries of these events ensures staff can adjust accordingly for the student.

An event that is occurring for the first time, or recently, can be set as an origin event. An event that has happened in the past can be set as an historical event.


Steps taken

  1. Navigate to the student screen and select event
  2. Complete the significant even form
  3. Select an appropriate impact level
  4. Select Save

Review a significant event

Reviewing significant events in a set period of time helps identify patterns and may assist with planning student adjustments ahead of time.


Steps taken

  1. Navigate to the student screen and review Narrative
  2. Change View by filter to Hour, Day or Week
  3. Identify event clusters

Update a student enrolment information

The following instructions are only available to someone with a Administration privileges.

Steps taken

  1. Navigate to Student page
  2. Identify the student requiring an update and select Edit
  3. Make the appropriate updates
  4. Select Save

This new update and summary will be available immediately on the student record.

Update Disability Category, Adjustment Level or Diagnosed or Imputed Disability values

The following instructions are only available to someone with a Administration privileges.

Steps taken

  1. Navigate to Student page
  2. Identify the student requiring an update and select Edit on Student Details
  3. Select the Enrolment year requiring updates
  4. Make the appropriate updates to Disability Category, Adjustment Level or Diagnosed or Imputed Disability
  5. Select Save

How to access the class profile

The following instructions are only available to staff who have been assigned a class schedule.

Steps taken

  1. Navigate to the overview screen
  2. Select the Class profile button

How to adjust for multiple students at once

The following instructions are only available to staff who have been assigned a class schedule.

How to link your existing email address to Google

Note: We suggest using your existing school email address and not your personal email address. Completing this process simply means that you can use your existing email address to log in to Google services. This way if you ever forget your password you can perform a Google Forget Your Password lookup rather than rely on Junipa.


  1. Navigate to: https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount?flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=SignUp&nogm=true
  2. Provide your email address, First and Last name and complete the form
  3. Select Next and follow the steps to Verify your account
  4. Your existing email account is now linked to Google.


Dashboard overview

The dashboard overview can be viewed in either a Class timetable mode or a Groups list


  1. From the Overview screen in the top right hand corner there is a Dashboard view button
  2. Select the preferred viewing mode and Set as default to persist this view mode when using Junipa in the future

Groups list

The groups list is the ideal view to make adjustments to a cohort of students. These students may be a class list, but also can be defined by Adjustment Level, Disability Category as well as Grade level.

Group adjustments

After switching to Groups list you will see the Groups available to you. To create more groups, please contact Junipa support or a colleague with Junipa admin access.


  1. Identify the group requiring a group adjustment. A group adjustment is a single adjustment that is being implemented across multiple students.
  2. image
  1. Select the students relevant to the adjustment and select Step 2.
  2. image
  1. Select the adjustment category and adjustment type. Provide an evidence date if the action is historical and select Save.
  2. image

Student Journals

The Student Journal is a live record of all adjustments and NCCD information of a student.

Anatomy of the student journal page

Quick add button:

Quickly add adjustment evidence, case notes, or log a significant event


Student summary:

A summary of student name, date of birth, student number and NCCD adjustment information.


The information visible in this area is:

  • Student detailsStudent name, Date of Birth and Student Number (if applicable):
  • Adjustment detailsPossible values are: QDTP, Supplementary, Substantial and Extensive game.
  • Primary needPossible values are: Physical, Cognitive, Sensory and Social / Emotional in line with the NCCD categories: https://www.nccd.edu.au/wider-support-materials/step-3-what-category-disability
  • Imputed or DiagnosedPossible values are as follows as defined in Section 4 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA):

Evidence summary:

A summary of NCCD evidence



An "at a glance" view of all case notes, adjustment evidence and significant event for a student. Selecting Hour, Day, Week or Month will change view respectively.


Last 7 days:

A 7 day view of all case notes, adjustment evidence and events recorded against a student. Selecting a day (touch or click) allows you to add evidence for that specific day.


Activity log:

A historical look at all activity recorded against a student. The activity log records adjustment evidence, but also case notes, significant events as well as any changes to the student profile. Selecting more will display a further 20 records.


Reports: Audit report

The audit report provides an 'at a glance' view of all students evidence tallies, and the spread of NCCD implementation categories (Assessment, Consultation, Provided and Monitored). This report can be accessed by auditors, internal staff or executive staff needing a live tally of NCCD data.

Using the audit report



  1. Select a Reporting Year
  2. Order by Weeks collected by selecting Weeks collected column heading
  3. Order by NCCD category by selecting Assessment, Consultation, Provided and Monitored column headings
  4. Select a student for NCCD data on student

Viewing as an auditor

The audit report acts as a school ledger of all students included in the NCCD program for the selected reporting year. Selecting each student row will display detailed information on that student.

Working with the evidence log

The Student Evidence record will show student's declared Disability category, Adjustment level and Evidence log. The Evidence log will show detailed information on each evidence record:
  1. Recorded date: When the evidence was recorded. Note this date is the timestamp of the school staff member recording evidence, and will typically be after the event
  2. Evidence type: What category of evidence was recorded, and does this evidence correlate to a student's Individual Education Plans (IEP)
  3. Location: Was the evidence recorded against a class/event in the past, and is there a file attachment to be used as evidence:
  4. image
  5. Recorded by: Who recorded the evidence.


Only staff members with audit reporting privileges will be able to view audit data.

The IEP module is an add-on module for schools requiring integration with Individual Education Plans (IEP) and recording adjustments.

Renaming NCCD categories

When the NCCD language is too verbose or not approriate for the school environment, you can take control.

Many schools provide adjustment evidence using the wording as specified by the NCCD program. JUNIPA also allows school to use their own wording when providing adjustments, as the NCCD language may not be appropriate as staff are providing adjustments on-the-fly.

If a school uses their own NCCD adjustment evidence wording, each evidence group and item will be linked to an NCCD approved category. This ensures that, although school staff are seeing different wording, all adjustment evidence gathered is correctly linked to NCCD documentation.


Steps taken

  1. Navigate to Evidence Setup
  2. Select Add Evidence Group
  3. Provide an evidence group name
  4. Provide an evidence item name
  5. Link the new evidence item to an NCCD documented evidence type
  6. Select Save

This new evidence type will now be available for any student requiring adjustments.

Reports: Evidence overview

As your staff begin to use Junipa, all adjustment evidence is displayed in Junipa's Evidence overview screen. Administration and executive staff can stay on top compliance, and heads of department can ensure teaching best practices are in full effect.

Identifying students by weeks of evidence recorded


Identifying students by weeks of evidence recorded

You can quickly identify how many weeks worth of evidence each student has with the Students with evidence recorded table.

  1. Navigate to the Students with evidence recorded table
  2. Identify the weeks column
  3. Select the student tally
  4. Navigate to the student tally screen
  5. Select a student record to manage

Identifying students by weeks of evidence recorded and NCCD adjustment levels

The Adjustment level breakdown identifies the adjustment level of each student, and tallies the number of adjustment weeks they have recorded.

  1. Navigate to the Adjustment level breakdown table
  2. Identify the weeks column, and adjustment level
  3. Select the student tally
  4. Navigate to the student tally screen
  5. Select a student record to manage

Disability category breakdown

The Disability category breakdown identifies the adjustment level of each student, and tallies the number of adjustment weeks they have recorded.

  1. Navigate to the Disability category breakdown
  2. Identify the weeks' column, and adjustment level
  3. Select the student tally
  4. Navigate to the student tally screen
  5. Select a student record to manage

Identifying evidence frequency by calendar week

The Identifying by calendar week grid highlights school wide evidence tallies across the school, for the calendar year. This grid is useful in identifying busy periods throughout the school year and to understand staff workload.


NCCD portal submission data

The Student Disability data breakdown table collates the data required for NCCD data submission. The data is live and provides an accurate snapshot of NCCD data and can be used as the reference point for NCCD reporting.

The None identified disability category remains an option for schools declaring NCCD inclusion for a student without assigning a disability category for that student.

Note Only staff members with evidence overview privileges will be able to view the evidence overview data.

Reports: Audit report

The audit report provides an 'at a glance' view of all students evidence tallies, and the spread of NCCD implementation categories (Assessment, Consultation, Provided and Monitored). This report can be accessed by auditors, internal staff or executive staff needing a live tally of NCCD data.

Using the audit report


Using the audit report

  1. Select a Reporting Year
  2. Order by Weeks collected by selecting Weeks collected column heading
  3. Order by NCCD category by selecting Assessment, Consultation, Provided and Monitored column headings
  4. Select a student for NCCD data on student

Viewing as an auditor

The audit report acts as a school ledger of all students included in the NCCD program for the selected reporting year. Selecting each student row will display detailed information on that student.


Working with the evidence log

The Student Evidence record will show student's declared Disability categoryAdjustment level and Evidence log. The Evidence log will show detailed information on each evidence record:

  1. Recorded date: When the evidence was recorded. Note this date is the timestamp of the school staff member recording evidence, and will typically be after the event
  2. Evidence type: What category of evidence was recorded, and does this evidence correlate to a student's Individual Education Plans (IEP)
  3. Location: Was the evidence recorded against a class/event in the past, and is there a file attachment to be used as evidence:
  4. image
  5. Recorded by: Who recorded the evidence.
Note Only staff members with audit reporting privileges will be able to view audit data. The IEP module is an add-on module for schools requiring integration with Individual Education Plans (IEP) and recording adjustments.

To make a block sticky in Notion, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the block you want to make sticky.
  2. Click on the ··· more options button.
  3. Click on Turn into.
  4. Click on Callout.

The block will now be in a callout, which is a sticky note-like feature in Notion. However, it's important to note that this won't make the block stay on the screen as you scroll. Unfortunately, Notion doesn't currently support sticky blocks or notes that stay on the screen as you scroll.

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